©SABOT 2023


Ne vedem!

November 26th, 2010 - January 8th, 2011

SABOT is pleased to present Ne vedem!, Valentina Miorandi's debate on her own understanding of "belonging" and "otherness".

The Romanian expression "Ne vedem!", which gives the title to Valentina Miorandi's show, may be translated as "See you!". It has the same meaning and pronunciation in Romanian and in the Italian Trentino dialect, which happens to be the artist's birthplace. The choice of this title is also referring to the saga of the mid-nineteenth century Trentino immigrants who came to seek their fortune in Transylvania. On the other hand, her choice underlines the unexpected and bizarre character of some startling linguistic and cultural ties. Through the distortion of the classic photography and documentary film language, the artist discredits, with an analytical yet sarcastic approach, some perverse mechanisms at work in the contemporary society. "Ne vedem!" is focused on the "sense of belonging" which she chooses to reify by means of references to commonsense culture, to landscape or to historically significant events. She often develops her works specifically for, and simultaneously out of the exhibition context, paying attention to political and social issues. She then manages to turn these issues into metaphors that might change the “normal” perception of our everyday life, pointing out to something otherwise unnoticeable. As part of Valentina Miorandi’s research has been conducted while living abroad, she takes up the opportunity for a further debate on her own understanding of "belonging", which is drawn from a personal, political, social, and historical reading of reality. The "ensemble" - or an intimate "we" - is always implicit in her work, but so is her understanding of "otherness". The frontiers of identity are played on the ground of the differences that allow the individual to be, at the same time, separated from and part of a broader context, challenging the common understanding of identity. The artist draws her inspiration from television, cinema, from the political arena and from the contingecy of everyday life, eventually suggesting fallouts, reports, effects, exchanges, all of them used as tools that come out strengthened by desecrated meta-portraits, "chansons de geste" and choreography.
Valentina Miorandi was born in Trento, Italy, in 1982. After graduating Drama, Arts and Music Studies at the University of Bologna in 2005, she earns two scholarships for a Master of Fine Arts in Film-making with the New York Film Academy (2006) and a Master for Director of Photography with the University of Barcelona, ESCAC - Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya (2007). Since then, she has been participating in the Neverending Cinema project, and exhibited at the Galleria Civica in Trento, worked on several collaborations with the collective of artists known as Zimmerfrei, as well as with Marinella Senatore, Rosa Barba and Stefania Galegati. As visiting professor with the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Cuenca, she has chosen to work on the experimental approach of the film medium narratives. Since 2008, she has been working with Arte Boccanera Contemporanea gallery in Trento, where she has made her debut with "Numerabilis". The work of Valentina Miorandi fits in the wider contemporary multi-media context, according to a careful selection process and management of the images which did not pass unnoticed: Pagine Bianche d'Autore 2009, Videominuto 2009, Festival of Videoracconto 2009, Fondazionne Pistoletto Talent Prize 2010, and the first prize of the Milano Film Festival section FAI 2010. The freedom of action and the sarcastic character that so often pervade the work of Valentina Miorandi contributed to her successful participation in group exhibitions such as the European Biennial of Art - Manifesta 7, No Soul For Sale in New York, at MADRE Museum in Naples, Castello di Rivoli in Turin, or at the Cultural Institute in Belgrade.
